Booking (Clubs/Promoter/Festival/House Concerts)


Sei il promoter di un club, il gestore, l’organizzatore di un festival o semplicemente vuoi organizzare un concerto di Roberto Diana?

Ecco come fare:

Per prima cosa scarica i materiali qui sotto.
– STAGE PLAN (pdf): Download S.P.
– SMALL BIO (pdf): Download Bio


Il locale deve essere organizzato e attrezzato per ospitare un concerto acustico e possibilmente avere un suo pubblico.
Lo staff di Roberto si occuperà di fornire tutti i materiali (locandine, foto, flyers, video e altro…) per poter promuovere al meglio l’evento e pubblicizzerà l’evento attraverso tutti i canali a disposizione.
Il promoter deve utilizzare questi materiali e far si che la data sia ben pubblicizzata.
In caso di biglietto d’ingresso si valuterà insieme la cifra e le condizioni.
Contattaci via E-mail per valutare insieme i dettagli e l’organizzazione.


Rivolto a tutti quelli che vogliono organizzare un concerto nell’intimità della propria casa, sia dentro che fuori (salotto o giardino), eliminando la formalità di uno spettacolo con palco e luci e creando in questo modo un’atmosfera familiare in cui condividere musica ed emozioni, aiutati anche dal buffet ad inizio o fine serata.
Come organizzare l’evento: Organizzare l’evento è molto semplice e non richiede un grosso impegno né in termini di tempo né in termini di denaro. È sufficiente una casa o un giardino, una data e un gruppo di persone con cui condividere l’idea .
Contattaci via E-mail per i dettagli dell’organizzazione e per scegliere le date ideali.


Durante l’incontro si tratteranno diversi argomenti tra cui songwriting, registrazioni e produzione album, tour da artista indipendente – vita “on the road” – ed esposizione delle tecniche chitarristiche utilizzate nelle sue composizioni.

L’incontro con Roberto Diana è rivolto a tutti i musicisti che vogliano approfondire gli argomenti legati alla “vita da musicista”, ma anche ai non musicisti che voglio avere la possibilità di ascoltare le sue composizioni.
L’incontro alternerà uno spazio dedicato alle domande anche più tecniche riguardo gli strumenti che il musicista utilizza: chitarra, lap steel guitar, slide guitar, Weissenborn, ecc.


Are you a promoter, a club manager, festival organizer or simply want to organize a Roberto Diana’s concert ?

At first please download the pdf below.
– STAGE PLAN (pdf): Download S.P.
– SMALL BIO (pdf): Download Bio


The venue must be equipped to host an acoustic concert and possibly have an audience.
Roberto’s staff will provide all materials (posters, photos, flyers, videos and more …) to promote the event, and publicize through all his channels.
The promoter must use these materials and ensure the date is well advertised.
In case of entrance fee it will be evaluated together the amount and terms.
Contact us by E-mail to discuss details and organization.


Aimed at all those who want to organize a concert in the intimacy of their own house, eliminating the formalities of a show with a stage and lights and thereby creating a family atmosphere in which to share music and emotions. Both inside or outside (the living room or the garden) with a buffet at the beginning or at the end of the evening.

How to organize the event: Organizing the event is very simple and does not require nor a big commitment in terms of time, or in terms of money.
Just a house or a garden, a date and a group of people with whom share the concert.
Contact us by E-mail to discuss details and organization.


During the meeting it will discuss various topics including songwriting, recording and production, touring like independent artist – life “on the road” – and guitar techniques used in Roberto’s compositions.

The workshop is open to all musicians who want to deepen the topics related to “musician’s life” but also to non-musicians who want to have the opportunity to listen his compositions.
During the meeting it will alternate live music and questions about guitar techniques and Roberto’s instruments such as guitars, lap steel guitar, slide guitar, Weissenborn, etc..


Are you a promoter, a club manager, festival organizer or simply want to organize a Roberto Diana’s concert ?

At first please download the pdf below.
– STAGE PLAN (pdf): Download S.P.
– SMALL BIO (pdf): Download Bio


The venue must be equipped to host an acoustic concert and possibly have an audience.
Roberto’s staff will provide all materials (posters, photos, flyers, videos and more …) to promote the event, and publicize through all his channels.
The promoter must use these materials and ensure the date is well advertised.
In case of entrance fee it will be evaluated together the amount and terms.
Contact us by E-mail to discuss details and organization.


Aimed at all those who want to organize a concert in the intimacy of their own house, eliminating the formalities of a show with a stage and lights and thereby creating a family atmosphere in which to share music and emotions. Both inside or outside (the living room or the garden) with a buffet at the beginning or at the end of the evening.

How to organize the event: Organizing the event is very simple and does not require nor a big commitment in terms of time, or in terms of money.
Just a house or a garden, a date and a group of people with whom share the concert.
Contact us by E-mail to discuss details and organization.


During the meeting it will discuss various topics including songwriting, recording and production, touring like independent artist – life “on the road” – and guitar techniques used in Roberto’s compositions.

The workshop is open to all musicians who want to deepen the topics related to “musician’s life” but also to non-musicians who want to have the opportunity to listen his compositions.
During the meeting it will alternate live music and questions about guitar techniques and Roberto’s instruments such as guitars, lap steel guitar, slide guitar, Weissenborn, etc..
